Tattered and timeworn treasures of the heart....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Live, from doggie central......
it's the "Marbles Show"

I move around so much, my mommy had to put me in a chair...

She kept saying funny things to make me look at her (Marbees????)
and she says sometimes I look like Albert Einstein????

Mom's camera had to be in "sports mode" just to get a picture....

I move so fast, even in "sports mode" I blur!!!

after awhile, I just got tired!!!!

Love, Marbles

I went to an auction yesterday, here are some of the things I picked up:

I picked this picture up at the Goodwill (no frame)

~~Sweet Birdie Memories~~

I finally organized myself enough to do some crafting. This is my version of similar pieces I have seen on other sites. Love the birds and nest! I made this piece out of an old drawer I found in the dumpster after an auction. I lined it with old sheet music and altered the image of an old photo album on Paint Shop Pro. I think it turned out pretty cute.

This piece is for sale if anyone is interested. The price is $25 plus $7 shipping.

I went to a garage sale on Thursday and found some goodies. I also saw a couple of cloche's but, did not get them that day (I'm not sure why). I thought about them for a couple days and decided to go back to this particular garage sale to see if they still had them (I thought they probably were gone for sure) I walked through the door and much to my surprise......there they were...... still on the shelf where they were a couple days earlier. I guess the customers were just not interested or they just didn't realize what they were. I had been looking for some on the internet, but they were just a little too costly for me.

$7 each was just the right price.....what do you think??

Take care and Happy Sunday!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I found this really neat craft supply website called Save on Crafts and of course had to order a couple things. Look at the neat "real" quail eggs for $10.49!

And...they have lots of bird nests and naturals.....

Pretty linen ribbon (cheap)

Cute birds too.....

And....pretty lavender bunches,
(must be a popular item because a lot of them were out of stock)

Check them out HERE


I also got some new books recently......


You can check out the selection here at Amazon.com



Did you all hear about the meteor that whizzed through the Midwest? Well, it went right over our heads and landed about 20 or so miles away in Livingston. I saw the flash from the fireball come through my curtains in my bedroom and a short time later a loud "BOOM" (and lots of rumbles) when it broke the sound barrier and exploded! Whew!!!!!

Have a blessed Sunday!


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Sunday!

What a nice Spring day....I should have been outside cleaning the yard,
but I spent the day indoors cleaning and trying
to get my craft room in order.

Took me all day, but I made a huge dent in it anyway!

I went to Hobby Lobby and Michael's yesterday and found some goodies
(to add to the many, many things I already have!!)

I scanned some of the beautiful double sided paper I found for you.....

I also scanned some other images for you...
please take and use them in your artwork.

Weekends go too fast, especially when you have to work
on Saturday
(part of it anyway).
Monday comes again and then you have to go back to work.
I feel like I spend most of my life there sometimes.

I am looking forward to vacation and camping this year.
We are looking at different campers again.
The one we have has had "issues"
Our problems have been something usually involving water!!
(windows leaking, broken pipes, etc.)

This year we have to have some work done on the body of the camper.
We have a motor home and the main bunk is over the cab and it is
coming apart in the corner
(probably because of the WATER.......)
I sometimes feel like we will be stuck with it for a while.

We'll see.

Take care and Happy Hugs to you!!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter to all you sweet bloggers out there.

I thought I would take a break from cleaning out my hall closet .
I got rid of 2 large black garbage bags full of stuff!!
I am kind of in a Spring cleaning mood.
Take a look at the result....(you should have seen it before...YIKES!!)

This closet houses all my sheets, all my vintage linens, and fabric
so now maybe I can find something...


I am having a bit of a problem though when it comes to my craft/office.
Take a look at this mess......

Does anyone else's craft space look like this?


Fortunately I have a pretty large desk,
but it is covered with books and lots of other stuff...........

Any suggestions for organization???
(besides getting rid of half of everything)
Keep in mind it is a very SMALL room and I
already have 2 bookcases and a full closet in here....


I did manage to scan some old photos for you.
Aren't these children adorable??

Here are some old postcards for you too.....

These images are from some "Ideals" books...
don't you just love that old publication?

I hope everyone has a joyous Easter weekend and spends it with the ones you love.
Also, lets not forget the true meaning of this holiday...

all the bunnies and chicks and candy are nice,
but remember
that Jesus died on the cross for our sins,
rose again
, and promices to return again someday.

Take care and many sweet hugs,



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