Tattered and timeworn treasures of the heart....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Just some goodies picked up at the local thrift lately.........

Dreamy cream colored fabric...........35 cents for all of this.....believe it or not.

of course more buttons............can never have too many......

old buckles picked up on E-bay awhile back.....and beautiful rhinestone brooches

and........can you believe all this fabric for 50 cents??????
Not sure what I will craft with all this.....but.......

I love shopping for vintage goodies....how about you???????


The next installment of
"Edith's Summer train trip"

Thursday, July 22, 1915

At 8:25 we arrived in Salt Lake City. We went through the depot and took a free bus to the Semalo Hotel where we got 2 rooms and a bath. We then ate our lunch and we were going to wait for our suit cases, but they did not come so we started for the temple square. Before we got there we saw a Brigham Young monument then we went to the gate and heard a man talk about the Mormon religion.

At 12:00 we went in the famous tabernacle where we saw the wonderful pipe organ and heard it.

The temple was filled, it was very beautiful. The pipe organ sounded very beautiful, in some parts of it, it sounded like someone singing. We went in the assembly hall. Then we went back home to the hotel where we found our suitcases.

We then took a streetcar and went sightseeing around the city in a street car with a guide. We saw the home of Brigham Young it was small and made of stone. We visited the great Salt Lake and saw a lot of people bathing of all ages some quite old

At the State Prison the car stopped and the people got out and the guide explained the different things. The prisoners who do great crimes have their heads shaved and wear prisoner's clothes, but the others do not. When a prisoner's time is almost up they let them go unguarded. They have their own cream house. They have enough to furnish all their milk and butter. They do not allow people to go through the prison. We also passed the sugar house district it does not have very beautiful homes.

Fort Douglas US Military reservation, it's houses are made of the material from the mountains. We got water from the mountain stream. The car stopped for people to look around

Liberty Park is very beautiful there is a road going as far as I could see.

We saw the Federal building it was the Post Office. Holy Cross hospital we saw. We saw a lot of Mormon homes. Homes of the early settlers are very small and old.

Douglas Park has very beautiful bungalows. Brigham street is beautiful. Saw his private school for his 55 children. Saw his last wife's house.

to be continued.....................

love to all my blogging friends,

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I thought some of you might be interested in this diary of a young girl named Edith Deischer from Monticello, Jones County, Iowa. I am not sure of her age at the time.

It was all written in pencil and some of the words are faded and hard to read.

I picked it up at a garage sale a couple years ago and just came across it again while I was cleaning and rearranging today. I hope you enjoy it.

Please join Edith on this Summer train excursion out west............

Note: Please keep in mind that this diary was written in 1915. There is some "terminology" used that we do not use today and it certainly is not meant to offend anyone.

JULY 20, 1915

Tuesday 20: At 2:25 we started from Monticello for California. At Marion we stopped and mama got some things. At 6:00 we ate our supper. The porter, who was a negro, brought us a table where we could eat, but mama spilled vinegar on my silk dress. I washed my silk dress.

Near Woodward we saw a nice cottage that looked like a resort, it's children looked like specks we were so high. At Woodward there was a mammoth school building (just about sunset). In Perry there is a ball park (entered just at sunset). Very large city. We watched the porter make the births.

Wednesday 21: Aunt Anna came at 12:15. Merle and I slept together. I slept in the upper birth. When I got up, the porter helped me out. I saw the Buttes. We just passed Maxwell (not large). Saw the North Platte River, very wide (not very deep). Just stopped for 10 minutes at North Platte.

Near Sutherland we saw some sugar beet fields. Near Sutherland we saw a river with only a little water and all sand (very wide). The time has changed 1 hour since we left North Platte.

There are a lot of yellow butterflies in Paxton.

Julesburg, Colorado there is a large stone hotel and a pretty park. I saw some horse and cattle ranches. There are such little houses with only 1 or 2 houses as far as you can see (Nebraska).

At Julesburg, we saw an irrigated farm. Going through high altitude near the clouds. I saw an irrigation ditch. The pine bluffs are beautiful.

Sydney, 4102 feet above sea level.

At 2:00 we ate our dinner in the diner. It cost us $2.90. The negro porter showed us some prairie dogs. I saw 3. We saw some mountains in the distance. We are stopping at Cheyenne. There is a beautiful park and depot. There are flags all over the depot windows. We are 6210 feet high. They are having a big round up here today. We saw about half of the capitol.

We just passed through the highest elevation, 8010 ft. We went through a canyon. In the distance the mountains are seen. There are beautiful stones. One looked like a temple. Beautiful level country all for miles. Saw cattle near tracks and a cowboy. Horses running wild.

Stopped at Laramie we got off for 10 minutes. When people went to Calif. they got rest of supplies here. Got a little stove.

Near Rock River there was an irrigating ditch. I saw where they had irrigated it was about 50 feet apart. There is a great mammoth mountain that looms up in the distance.

to be continued......................

Saturday, January 1, 2011

"Happy New Year Everyone"

I have returned after a break for the holidays
and I hope I still have some followers left out there.....

I hope that your Christmas was a wonderful and joyous one
and that you were able to spend it with the ones you love.
I know I did......

I hope that 2011 will be a year of happiness and peace for you.....

with countless joy and happiness too.....

and may God send his angels to watch over you and strengthen you.....

Auld Lang Syne
Robert Burns 1788

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!

And there's a hand my trusty fiere,
And gie's a hand o thine,
And we'll tak a right guid-willie waught,
For auld lang syne

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!


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