Live, from doggie central......
it's the "Marbles Show"
it's the "Marbles Show"
and she says sometimes I look like Albert Einstein????

Love, Marbles
I went to an auction yesterday, here are some of the things I picked up:
~~Sweet Birdie Memories~~
I finally organized myself enough to do some crafting. This is my version of similar pieces I have seen on other sites. Love the birds and nest! I made this piece out of an old drawer I found in the dumpster after an auction. I lined it with old sheet music and altered the image of an old photo album on Paint Shop Pro. I think it turned out pretty cute.
This piece is for sale if anyone is interested. The price is $25 plus $7 shipping.
I went to a garage sale on Thursday and found some goodies. I also saw a couple of cloche's but, did not get them that day (I'm not sure why). I thought about them for a couple days and decided to go back to this particular garage sale to see if they still had them (I thought they probably were gone for sure) I walked through the door and much to my surprise......there they were...... still on the shelf where they were a couple days earlier. I guess the customers were just not interested or they just didn't realize what they were. I had been looking for some on the internet, but they were just a little too costly for me.
$7 each was just the right price.....what do you think??
$7 each was just the right price.....what do you think??